What People Are Saying
Individual endorsements (organization affiliations given for identification only):
Judge Cheryl Albrecht, Multnomah County Circuit Court
Carl Amaya, Salem attorney
Judge Robyn Aoyagi, Oregon Supreme Court
Justice Tom Balmer, Oregon Supreme Court
Judge Benjamin Bloom, Jackson County Circuit Court
Beth Brady, business owner
David Brewer, retired Oregon Supreme Court Justice
Claudia Burton, retired Marion County Circuit Judge
Judge Stephen K. Bushong, Multnomah County Circuit Court
Ashley Carson Cottingham, Vice-Chair, Salem-Keizer School Board
Linda Clingan
Leora Coleman-Fire, Portland attorney
Stephanie Davidson, Portland attorney
Justice Roger DeHoog, Oregon Supreme Court
Erick Deitrick, attorney
Don Dickey
Casey Fast, retired Hewlett-Packard manager
Gilbert Feibleman
Jamie Fender, King City Mayor
Justice Meagan Flynn, Oregon Supreme Court
Jose Garcia-Fuerte, law student
Gilbert George, Portland
Janna Giesbrecht-McKee, attorney
Michael Gillette, former Justice, Oregon Supreme Court
Yesenia Gutierrez, attorney
Erika Hadlock, former Chief Judge, Oregon Court of Appeals
Bob Hansen
Rick Haselton, former Chief Judge, Oregon Court of Appeals
Judge Kristina Hellman, Oregon Court of Appeals
Kim Hoyt
Emily Ehrlich Inget, Southern Oregon farmer
Aukjen Ingraham, Portland attorney
Judge Bronson James, Oregon Court of Appeals
Mary James, retired judge, Marion County Circuit Court
Gina Johnnie, Salem attorney
Judge Anna Joyce, Oregon Court of Appeals
William Johnson, Chief Judge, Umatilla Tribal Court
*Judge Jackie Kamins, Oregon Court of Appeals
Leslie Kay, retired attorney
Janet Klapstein
Sara Kobak, Attorney
Former Governor Ted Kulongoski
Chief Judge Erin Lagesen, Oregon Court of Appeals
Jack Landau, retired Justice, Oregon Supreme Court
Jackie Leung
Virginia Linder, former Justice, Oregon Supreme Court
*Judge Ann Lininger, Clackamas County Circuit Court
Joaquin Lopez, mental health counselor and artist
Dina Lovenstein, former student of Judge Ortega and 2022 law graduate
Alice Lundell, Portland
Jamie Madrigal, Medford attorney and former student of Judge Ortega
Nichole Maher, President and CEO, Group Health Foundation
Judge Josephine Mooney, Oregon Court of Appeals
Jamie Pang, policy professional
J. Burdette Pratt, retired judge, Malheur Circuit Court
Karsten Rasmussen, retired judge, Lane County Circuit Court
Jamese Rhoades, retired judge, Marion County Circuit Court
Luke Reese
Carmen Rubio, Portland City Commissioner
Kasia Rutledge, attorney
Representative Tawna Sanchez
Rebekah Schneiter, educator, Corvallis School District
Judge Scott Shorr, Oregon Court of Appeals
Bobbin Singh, Executive Director, Oregon Justice Resource Center
Judge Janet Stauffer, Circuit Court Judge in Hood River, Wasco, Sherman, Wheeler, and Gilliam Counties
Amira Streeter, mentee, former extern, and public policy professional
Patricia Sullivan, retired judge, Malheur Circuit Court
Judge Diana Vitolins, Crook County Circuit Court
Ernest Warren, Jr, Portland attorney
Rakeem Washington
Julia Yoshimoto, Project Director, Women’s Justice Project, Oregon Justice Resource Center
Organizational endorsements:
AFT Oregon
The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
East County Rising
Ironworkers Local 29
NAYA Action Fund
Oregon Consumer League
Oregon Hispanic Bar Association
Oregon Nurses Association
Oregon State Building Trades Council
PCUN (Oregon’s farm worker union)
UFCW 555
Unite Oregon
NAYA Action Fund, which engages in political advocacy and builds electoral power in partnership with the Native community throughout Oregon and Washington, endorsed Judge Ortega.
“Judge Ortega has devoted her life to providing justice and fairness for Oregonians. We need her on the Oregon Court of Appeals.”
— Judge Ann Lininger, Clackamas County Circuit Court
“Judge Darleen Ortega has served for almost twenty years with distinction and integrity. While her opponent, Vance Day, faced ethical complaints within three years of his appointment. To quote the Oregon Supreme Court’s opinion suspending Vance Day for three years:
“Vance Day’s ‘misconduct in making willful misstatements to the[Judicial Fitness] Commission in the course of an official inquiry … as well as his misconduct involving [the Veteran probationer] during the gun-handling incidents, is exceptionally serious. He falsely accused another person of assaulting him, and he otherwise acted dishonestly and for his own self-benefit. His misconduct suggested a character that reflected poorly on his fitness to serve as a judge and his ability to exercise sound judgment.’”
— Jamese Rhoades, Retired Marion County Circuit Court Judge
Endorsed by Ironworkers local 29
“Judge Darleen Ortega has served with distinction on the Court of Appeals in service to the people of Oregon. She is disciplined, she is a careful legal thinker, and she is a leader on the court. We need her wisdom and perspective, and I am honored to endorse her for re-election.”
— Former Governor Ted Kulongoski (2003-2011)
“During her eighteen years on the appellate bench, Judge Ortega has distinguished herself as a leader on issues of juvenile dependency, access to justice, and addressing racism. Alongside of that, her merits are unparalleled. Her opinions are clear, well written and have provided essential direction to the bar on how to interpret the law. I have the utmost respect for Judge Ortega and am honored to endorse her.”
— Ernest Warren, Jr., Attorney
"I'm thrilled to support Judge Ortega for Oregon's Court of Appeals; she has the experience and integrity needed to ensure we have the highest ethical standards within the judiciary. Her commitment to compassionate justice is exactly what we need."
- Ashley Carson Cottingham, Vice-Chair, Salem-Keizer School Board
Oregon Consumer League (OCL) endorsed Judge Ortega. For 50 years, the Oregon Consumer League has worked to protect Oregonians’ rights through education, policy development and advocacy.
Judge Darleen Ortega is an experienced appellate court judge who understands that serving as a judge is a solemn responsibility. She holds herself to the highest standards of integrity and professionalism. Anyone with a case before her can have confidence that she will base her decision on the law, the facts, and common sense, while being treated with fairness and respect. The choice in this election is clear – please join me in casting your vote for Judge Darleen Ortega.
— Virginia Linder, retired Associate Justice, Oregon Supreme Court
“I fully support Judge Ortega in her Court of Appeals re-election. She has the experience and proven record needed on our Court. The fact that her opponent, Vance Day, has already been suspended by the Oregon Supreme Court for ethical violations, is extremely concerning. Judge Ortega is definitely the best choice in this race!”
– Judge Janet Stauffer, 7th Judicial District (Hood River, Wasco, Sherman, Wheeler, and Gilliam Counties) Circuit Court Judge
“Judge Ortega brings to her position a wealth of experience, a deep well of integrity, and a long-standing commitment to the people of this state. I have appreciated having her as a colleague for the past five years. She brings a valuable perspective to the court, and we all benefit from her experience on the bench and in the community. I fully support her re-election.”
— Judge Robyn Aoyagi, Oregon Court of Appeals
“Judge Ortega is not just an invaluable member of the Oregon Court of Appeals. She's a teacher, a mentor, and a leader. Judge Ortega has done tremendous work building bridges between the public and the bench, so that the public better understands the role of the courts, and judges can better appreciate the lives of those less fortunate who come before them. I support her reelection so she can continue this important work.”
— Eric Deitrick, attorney and former public defender
“Oregon needs Judge Ortega on the Court of Appeals. It is without question that her intellect, integrity, and experience make her a highly qualified judge. But it is her approach to the work that makes her vital to this state. Judge Ortega is dedicated to being proximate to the lives of the people impacted by the court’s decisions. She engages with people who are often overlooked, and she does so with care, respect, and a genuine interest in their lives and experiences. Her unique understanding of her role as a judge and her deep sense of responsibility in this position are exceptional and should not only be supported, but should also be celebrated.”
— Julia Yoshimoto, MSW, JD, Project Director, OJRC's Women's Justice Project
“I have known Judge Darleen Ortega for almost 20 years. During the first 8 years, I appeared in front of Judge Ortega as an attorney representing litigants in the Court of Appeals. Since 2011, I have served as a Circuit Court Judge in Jackson County. Judge Ortega has always impressed me as a hard-working, intelligent, and fair judge, even when she disagreed with me as an attorney or a trial court judge. Through my work with Judge Ortega on the Judicial Leadership and Education Committee, I observed first-hand her dedication to improving the judiciary, her concern with protecting vulnerable populations, particularly children and the elderly, and her commitment to the rule of law. She has my support for her reelection.”
— Presiding Judge Benjamin M Bloom, Jackson County Circuit Court
“I served with Judge Darleen Ortega on the Oregon Court of Appeals. She is a judge of outstanding integrity. She has a keen intellect. She works hard. She listens carefully. She cares deeply about applying the law fairly and impartially to all Oregonians.”
- Jack L. Landau, retired Associate Justice, Oregon Supreme Court
PCUN (Oregon’s farmworker union) endorsed Judge Ortega. PCUN “enthusiastically endorsed” Judge Ortega after “interview[ing] dozen of candidates, putting their commitment to farmworkers, Latinx working families, and social justice to the test.” PCUN’s criteria included “looking into several other factors as well including values, alignment, politics, viability, representation, geography, and current endorsements from our allies.”
“Oregon needs Judge Darleen Ortega. She is the most experienced judge on the Oregon Court of Appeals, and she is a true leader in promoting equal access to justice for all Oregonians. As a judge, she is known for her intellect, her integrity, and her respectful treatment of the litigants and attorneys appearing before her. She is a careful and thoughtful judge, and she is devoted to fairness and impartiality. Judge Ortega also is a brave and outspoken advocate for deepening public trust in our judicial system by increasing the diversity of the bench and bar in Oregon, and by engaging in community outreach to better understand the experiences of diverse communities with our courts. Judge Ortega has been relentless in her pursuit for a more just and equitable Oregon, and our judicial system is better from her efforts.”
– Sara Kobak, attorney
“Darleen is a leadership mentor, creative collaborator, and a dear friend. She is deeply committed to justice, understanding, and truth for all citizens. She has a passion to speak up for silenced voices and she understands cultural perspectives with depth and discernment. Darleen is most fit to serve as a judge for the Oregon Court of Appeals for our current time as a state and people."
- Joaquin Lopez, Artist and Mental Health Counselor, Friend and Collaborator to Darleen
“We need more judges like Judge Darleen Ortega, actively practicing anti-racism and increasing access to justice; if we did, our national criminal justice system would not have the issues that it has. Her analysis, knowledge, and integrity is second to none. Please vote to keep Judge Darleen Ortega on the Oregon Court of Appeals.”
— Emily Ehrlich Inget, Southern Oregon farmer
“Judge Ortega’s experience on the bench is a huge asset to Oregon. We need more judges with her depth and breadth of experience. Please join me in voting to reelect Judge Ortega.”
— Aukjen Ingraham, attorney
Endorsed by Unite Oregon
“As the only practicing attorney and sitting mayor in the Portland Metro Region, I know first hand how vital access to justice is for our residents. Judge Ortega's dedication and commitment to community issues such as juvenile dependency, combatting racism, and promoting the accessibility of our judicial system demonstrates integrity and leadership, and promotes trust in the Bench. I proudly endorse Judge Ortega for re-election and urge you to do the same.”
- Mayor Jaimie A. Fender
Endorsed by the Oregon State Building Trades Council
“As a lawyer, I appeared before Judge Ortega regularly for 9 years. As a judge, I have served with her nearly as long. Judge Ortega is one of Oregon's most experienced appellate judges, authoring hundreds of majority opinions. As those opinions well show, she is a neutral, clear-thinking and engaged appellate judge who treats the parties appearing before her with respect, and who cares deeply about equal access to justice, and equal treatment under the law, for all Oregonians.”
— Chief Judge Erin Lagesen, Oregon Court of Appeals
Members on the Political and Legislative Action Committee (PLAC) spend hours evaluating the candidates and their questionnaire responses to select candidates who best represent our members.
“Judge Ortega’s story—from overcoming adversity to becoming a leader on the Court of Appeals—is an inspiration. On the bench, she holds fast to the principles of equal access to justice and equal treatment under the law. Her long history of mentorship of Oregon’s young attorneys reflects the best of what a Court of Appeals judge should be.”
— Judge Jackie Kamins, Oregon Court of Appeals
For years I have admired Judge Ortega for her ethics, integrity and strong
commitment to community service. It's
why I rely on her when I seek advice on
leadership and community issues and why I asked her to swear me in in my first
election to public office. Her leadership
and integrity inspires me, and others, to be better leaders and people. That's why I am so proud Judge Ortega has chosen to be in service to the people of Oregon.
— Carmen Rubio, Portland City Commissioner
“Oregonians should re-elect Judge Darleen Ortega to the Oregon Court of Appeals. Judge Ortega is smart, experienced, and impartial. Her service on the Oregon Court of Appeals shows that she is fair, pragmatic, and dedicated to applying the rule of law.
Written opinions of the Oregon Court of Appeals establish precedents that are binding on trial courts throughout the state. Those opinions cover a wide variety of issues in criminal, civil, domestic relations, land use, and other cases. As a Multnomah County Circuit Court judge for over 14 years, I have had the unique opportunity to read the appellate opinions that resolve these important issues. Judge Ortega's written opinions are consistently well-reasoned, establishing legal principles that are easy for trial courts to apply. Judge Ortega decides the disputes presented to the court for resolution in a fair, balanced way. It is clear from reading Judge Ortega's opinions that she consistently applies the rule of law in deciding each case on its merits. Judge Ortega does not have an agenda; she just does the job.
Oregon is lucky to have a Court of Appeals judge of the caliber and integrity of Judge Ortega. This election is an easy call: keep Judge Darleen Ortega on the Oregon Court of Appeals.”
– Judge Stephen K. Bushong, Multnomah County Circuit Court
“As a former clerk to Judge Ortega, I witnessed first hand the unmatched quality of Judge Ortega’s rigorous analysis and intention. She approaches each case with clearness and impartiality, while never losing sight of the fact that at the heart of each case are real people.”
— Janna Giesbrecht-McKee, Appellate Clerkship 2014-15
“I wholeheartedly endorse Judge Ortega for reelection to the Court of Appeals in Oregon. The vast majority of cases before the Court of Appeals involve issues related to criminal law. It is paramount that the judges on our appellate courts believe in equity and are committed to addressing structural bias in the criminal justice system. Judge Ortega has been personally committed to this work for years. No appellate judge in Oregon has done as much as she has to lift up and supportbetter understanding of marginalized communities.”
- Stephanie Davidson, attorney and former judicial extern for Judge Ortega
The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde endorse Judge Darleen Ortega for the Oregon Court of Appeals.
“Rather than spread fear among Oregon's citizens as some political candidates tend to do, Judge Ortega simply acts fairly and in the best interests of all Oregon citizens. Laws that deal with climate change, safety, education, religious freedom, individual rights and equity must be interpreted on behalf of everyone, not just the elite. This is what Judge Ortega stands for. My family is pleased to acknowledge her accomplishments on the Oregon Court of Appeals and support her campaign for re-election.”
- Casey Fast, Retired Hewlett-Packard Manager
“Judge Ortega is a terrific judge who knows the law. She exercises her responsibility carefully with the understanding that our decisions have a powerful effect on the lives of adults, families and children. She is a great leader and colleague on the Court of Appeals.”
- Judge Scott Shorr, Oregon Court of Appeals
"Time and time again, we are shown that qualified women like Judge Ortega can be challenged by men with less experience, and in this specific race, several judicial ethical violations, and a suspension from the Oregon Supreme Court. Judge Ortega is humble, deeply knowledgeable, and committed to serving the public interest. She has been an inspiration to me to ‘keep going.’ Re-electing her sends the message that Oregonians care about integrity, honesty, and right-sizing our historically unjust legal system."
- Jamie Pang, JD, non-profit policy professional
“From my first day on the bench I could tell that Judge Ortega cares deeply about all of the people in our state, and works tirelessly to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard in the courts. She approaches cases with compassion, a great deal of thought, and a sharp legal mind. In addition, as the Court’s newest member, I treasure her long and distinguished experience serving on the Court of Appeals. It is a day to day help, and an inspiration. Judge Ortega is a true asset to the Oregon judicial system, and, by extension, to all Oregonians.”
— Judge Kristina Hellman, Oregon Court of Appeals
“Judge Ortega’s commitment to advancing access to justice and racial justice and her support from those who have been historically excluded from participation in the legal system are without parallel in the judiciary. She has a deep dedication to being proximate to Oregonians of all backgrounds by entering spaces and engaging with people that very few, if any, judges are willing to do. This allows her to have a clear understanding of how the law and the Court of Appeals impacts individuals, and the importance of the role of an appellate judge. She is responsible and thoughtful in how she approaches her work and displays a sensitivity to nuance that as Oregonians we should be proud of and celebrate. I hope everyone will join me in supporting her re-election.”
— Bobbin Singh, Executive Director, Oregon Justice Resource Center*
*Title is for identification purposes only and does not reflect organizational endorsement
“It takes years—if not a lifetime—to become truly exceptional at one’s work. Judge Ortega is exceptional. She has dedicated her life to carefully listening to community members and pushing herself and those around her to keep learning and actively wrestling with the law. Without telling people how they should think or what they should do, Judge Ortega brings clarity and intellect to every discussion, no matter the participants or the topic. She challenges assumptions, is courageous when justice requires it, and stays curious. Oregon cannot afford to lose her.”
- Leora Coleman-Fire, Associate General Counsel of Ajinomoto North America Division, mother of three kids, wife, sister, daughter, and 13+ year mentee of Judge Ortega
“Judge Ortega was a true mentor during my time as a law student. She took precious time out of her busy schedule to commute to meet with students, like myself, who were first generation law students. Her words of encouragement and steadfast support of the Minority Law Student Association helped many to succeed in their studies and later their careers.”
– Arthur Chiam, graduate of Lewis & Clark Law School
“I had the privilege of meeting Judge Ortega during my first year of law school while she volunteered her time to provide mentorship for first-year law students. I then had the opportunity to extern for Judge Ortega and had her as a professor in my last year of law school. Judge Ortega is the epitome of excellence and public service. Throughout my various experiences, Judge Ortega showed that she cares deeply about her role as a judge and the impact her decisions have on the people of Oregon. My time at the court allowed me to see that she treats all cases with the utmost importance and makes impartial decisions.”
— Jaime Madrigal, 2021 Willamette Law Grad
“Darleen is a brilliant legal mind, an advocate for transformation of our courts, and has served as a mentor to hundreds of law students, new attorneys and judges on how to center the communities most impacted!”
— Nichole Maher, President and CEO of Group Health Foundation
Oregon needs Judge Darleen Ortega. She is the most experienced judge on the Oregon Court of Appeals, and she is a true leader in promoting equal access to justice for all Oregonians. As a judge, she is known for her intellect, her integrity, and her respectful treatment of the litigants and attorneys appearing before her. She is a careful and thoughtful judge, and she is devoted to fairness and impartiality. Judge Ortega also is a brave and outspoken advocate for deepening public trust in our judicial system by increasing the diversity of the bench and bar in Oregon, and by engaging in community outreach to better understand the experiences of diverse communities with our courts. Judge Ortega has been relentless in her pursuit for a more just and equitable Oregon, and our judicial system is better from her efforts.
— Sara Kobak, Attorney
“Judge Ortega is a Court of Appeals judge who has served Oregonians for over eighteen years with distinction and integrity. Her opponent is a former judge who was subject to an ethics investigation who has repeatedly shown poor judgment on and off the bench. Judge Ortega steadfastly has upheld the rule of law, and has worked diligently toward justice for the parties before the Court of Appeals. Judge Ortega has generously shared her limited time mentoring hundreds of law students in part to help make the legal profession responsive to the broad diversity of our communities. Re-elect Judge Ortega.”
— Leslie Kay, Retired Attorney
“I had the pleasure of serving with Judge Ortega on the Court of Appeals for six years. During that time, she continually strove to enhance the quality of the court's work, its promotion of social justice, and its accessibility to the legal community and the public at large. The court is a better place for having had Judge Ortega on it, and there is no question in my mind that the people of the State of Oregon would be wise to keep her there.”
– Justice Roger DeHoog, Oregon Supreme Court
“I served on the Marion County Circuit Court during the time that Vance Day was a judge on that court. As a trial judge for 20 years, I had many opportunities to read opinions written by Judge Ortega, learn from her at continuing education events, and interact with her as a human being. Judge Ortega is by far the better candidate in this race. And while Judge Ortega is the more qualified candidate in any event, voters should also consider that Vance Day was suspended from the bench for three years by the Oregon Supreme Court for multiple ethical violations he committed as a judge.”
— Claudia M. Burton, retired Marion County Circuit Court Judge
“As a business owner and fifteen year Oregon resident, I endorse Darleen Ortega.”
– Beth Brady
“I had the privilege to be one of Judge Ortega’s colleagues on the Court of Appeals. She is a dedicated, compassionate and intelligent judge with great integrity. She has my vote.”
– Justice Meagan Flynn, Oregon Supreme Court
“Though we sometimes disagree on cases, I consider Judge Ortega to be a very good judge. She is a woman of integrity who leads the Court of Appeals masterfully through conversations about the challenges we face, ultimately making us better at our work. Her curiosity and her commitment to justice are beyond question. Her respectful approach to the Court's work is time-tested.”
— Judge Josephine Mooney, Oregon Court of Appeals (and formerly a Lane County trial judge)
“Judge Ortega chairs the JLEC [Judicial Leadership and Education Committee], on which I serve as a member. The committee works hard to bring needed education to judges, and she leads that important work with energy and vision.”
— Judge Daina Vitolins, Crook County trial judge
“I have known Judge Ortega for many years in and in different capacities: as an advocate, I regularly appeared in front of her and now I serve with her as a judge on the Court of Appeals. Judge Ortega has always impressed me with her dedication to the rule of law, the respect with which she treats those who appear in front of her, and her commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Since joining the court, I have been grateful for her leadership, mentorship, and service in our community. Oregonians are fortunate to have her serve as a judge on the Oregon Court of Appeals.”
- Judge Anna Joyce, Oregon Court of Appeals
“In my career I appeared before Judge Ortega as an advocate, and for the last five years I have served with her as a judicial colleague. She is a thoughtful jurist, who always balances the limited role an appellate court can play with an understanding of the realities of how the judicial system can impact Oregonians' lives.”
- Judge Bronson James, Oregon Court of Appeals
"I strongly support Judge Darleen Ortega's re-election because she is not only a bright and thoughtful jurist, but she is an impactful leader in the quest to ensure that the judicial branch of government reflects and listens well to all parts of the community at large. She is a stark contrast from her opponent."
- Gina Anne Johnnie
“When judges decide cases, they do not act as politicians or policy makers. Instead, they follow the judicial oath by supporting the state and federal constitutions and by applying the law impartially and consistently to everyone, regardless of their own personal beliefs. In my view, only one candidate in this race embraces the fundamental truth that, without the rule of law, there is no justice. And only that candidate has faithfully followed the rule of law throughout her judicial career: Judge Darleen Ortega”.
- Erika Hadlock, former judge and former Chief Judge of the Oregon Court of Appeals.
“Judge Ortega is an experienced and capable jurist whom the voters should re-elect to the Court of Appeals. Anyone who compares the candidates' qualifications should conclude that the choice is not close.”
– David Brewer, former Justice of the Oregon Supreme Court and former Chief Judge of the Oregon Court of Appeals
"Judge Ortega’s commitment to advancing an equitable legal system is reflected in her jurisprudence and extends beyond the bench. She is dedicated to mentoring BIPOC, first-generation, and law students not in the dominant culture and has helped countless students carve out a space for themselves in the legal field along the way. The Court of Appeals is in need of Judge Ortega’s intellect and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. "
– Jose Garcia-Fuerte, law student
“Judge Ortega was a true mentor during my time as a law student. She took precious time out of her busy schedule to commute from Salem every two weeks to meet with students, like myself, who were first generation law students. Her words of encouragement and steadfast support of the Minority Law Student Association helped many to succeed in their studies and later their careers. Thank you for reading my message and your ongoing support for Judge Ortega.
— Arthur Chiam
“I have had the opportunity to know Judge Ortega first as a law student and then as clerk on the Oregon Court of Appeals. She is a highly qualified, highly skilled judge who brings tremendous knowledge and experience to her work. Her analysis is careful, fair, and precise. Judge Ortega is also a valuable leader in the community. I saw first hand as she dedicated her time outside of the court to supporting and mentoring students, in particular students of color and other students from communities historically excluded from the legal profession. She is a regular fixture on all three law school campuses in Oregon and has mentored hundreds of students on their path. Judge Ortega is a state treasure; Oregon needs her reasoned, thoughtful presence on the Court of Appeals.”
– Leland Baxter-Neal, Portland attorney
“Judge Ortega is an incredible mentor and professor. She encourages law students to stay curious and consider how the law impacts the most vulnerable members of our society. I endorse Judge Ortega because she leads with integrity, fairness, and compassion.”